There is mounting pressure on the Canadian health care system to address health care labour market shortages
N4 has put together resources with concrete and actionable recommendations that will address the systemic barriers and inherent bias which are preventing these valued immigrants from contributing to healthcare capacity and system sustainability.
N4 Webinar
- Joan Atlin, Director, Strategy, Policy, and Research, World Education Services
- Deidre Lake, Executive Director, Alberta International Medical Graduates Association (AIMGA)
- Dr. Ahmad Alkhatib, Vice Chair of the Board and Co-Founder, ITPO
- Sahar Zohni, Project Manager, National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4)
- Mariah Maddock, Partnership Development & Engagement Lead, National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4)
Meeting Place
Part of the Solution: Recommendations for Welcoming Internationally Trained Physicians into Canada’s Health Care Sector Join the discussion!
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