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Economic newcomer: List of trusted resources and advice
Posted on Saturday, July 24, 2021 01:05 PM
How does the acceptance of an economic newcomer differ from temporary foreign workers, international students, refugees and asylum seekers?
Trusted resources and advice to help you learn more about Canada’s determination system in accepting newcomers and the common difficulties faced by economic immigrants:
N4 Webinar
Canada’s Immigrant Determinant System and the Experience of the Economic Newcomer
Speaker: Dr. Rupa Banerjee - Associate Professor, Ryerson University; Canada Research Chair...
INFO N4 Newsletter: July 2021
Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 02:14 PM
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Monthly Theme
Supporting newcomers - assisting those who followed our immigration journey
Unless you are of Indigenous descent, your family settled in Canada. In honour of Canada Day, we would like to encourage everyone to reflect upon their family's immigration journey. Whether you are 1st, 2nd, 3rd or further generation immigrant, ... Read more
IRCC: Minister Mendicino launches a dedicated refugee stream for human rights defenders
Posted on Monday, July 19, 2021 12:28 PM
News from IRCC
The work of human rights defenders is essential to promote and protect the human rights of people around the world. Too often, they put their own lives at risk to denounce injustices and hold the powerful to account.
Our country has a long and proud tradition of providing protection to those at risk. As a global leader, Canada welcomed close to a third of all resettled refugees from around the world in 2020.
That is why the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration,...
P2P: Call for Nominations: Deadline extended to July 23, 2021
Posted on Monday, July 19, 2021 11:50 AM
News from Pathways to Prosperity: Canada
Call for Nominations: Developing an Evidence Base and Sharing Settlement and Integration Practices that Work (DEB)
Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) is pleased to announce a new Call for Nominations for the project Developing an Evidence Base and Sharing Settlement and Integration Practices that Work (DEB). Pathways to Prosperity has been contracted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to share innovative promising practices in immigrant...

What does effective interpersonal communication look like to you?
Posted on Thursday, July 15, 2021 03:45 PM
For newcomers to Canada, cultural settings, language barriers, and other factors could be a burden to have and maintain dynamics, especially in the workplace.
Trusted resources and advice on how to effectively apply interpersonal communication to support diversity and inclusion:
N4 Webinar Series
Part 1/2: Interpersonal Communication 101: Basics and Foundation
Speaker: Dr. Aliaa Dakroury - Associate Professor, Saint Paul University
Part 2/2: Interpersonal Communication: Dynamics...

Upcoming Webinar: Panel Discussion - The modern day dilemmas of temporary migrant workers
Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 03:33 PM
Register now!
Temporary migrant workers (TMWs) are a significant part of many Canadian industries, including the agriculture and meat-packing sector. However, recent events due to the COVID-19 pandemic have brought out some issues present in this field. Issues include the precarious nature of this type of employment, exploitative practices that may occur, barriers to receiving care while as a TMW, and various other problems.
Learning objectives
- What can be done and...
OLIP: Online Consultation on Immigration Levels
Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:28 PM
News from OLIP
We would like to bring to your attention the consultation on Canada’s immigration levels plan and the Express Entry system administrated by IRCC. Participation is voluntary but given the importance of these topics we encourage you to participate. The deadline to submit your input is July 16, 2021 via this link
Please refer to this background document before responding to the questions. Also, note that IRCC expects...

Refugee 613: Vaccine Bulletin #6
Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:11 PM
Message from Refugee 613:
The latest bulletin explains why it is safe to mix and match COVID-19 vaccines and why young people aged 12-17 can only get the Pfizer vaccine right now.
The bulletin is currently available in 12 languages: Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, English, Farsi, French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tamil, Tigrinya, and Traditional Chinese. More to follow.
Suggested text for sharing the bulletins with your networks:
Here is a new COVID-19 Vaccine...

Supporting newcomers - assisting those who followed our immigration journey
Posted on Friday, July 02, 2021 10:01 AM
Unless you are of Indigenous descent, your family settled in Canada. In honour of Canada Day, we would like to encourage everyone to reflect upon their family's immigration journey. Whether you are 1st, 2nd, 3rd or further generation immigrant, you have a personal history of being a newcomer. Knowing we have that shared settlement history with our newest and future Canadians can help us relate, have empathy for their journey and inspire us to provide support to that process, much like...
IRCC: Immigration Matters for Canadian Companies – Friesens Corporation
Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2021 09:52 AM
How Friesens grew their business using Canada’s immigration programs to hire global talent.
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