What key factors help you provide the best service to newcomers?
Source: N4 data.
Asking about key factors that lead to quality service helps us understand what strategies and interventions we can offer that will be most impactful to professionals in our network. Professional development, individual or peer learning and connections to ethno-cultural groups were all considered important.
The data above were gathered through a survey designed to gather information about N4’s membership and their feedback about work with newcomers. These questions were selected from twelve questions hosted on the N4 website and distributed through our member mailing list to 663 people on October 5, 2021. The survey was open in October and November 2021 and received 110 unique responses from 10 provinces and territories.
Practitioners from settlement, healthcare, academia, education, social services, and umbrella organizations answered targeted questions about their employment status, pressing challenges in their sector and avenues for change and improvement. Results from the survey provide a benchmark for future years, and guide N4’s work for the coming year so we can meet the needs of our members.